Changing your username

Your TikTok account contains both a nickname and username. Your username contains a tag, for example, it can be @username. This tag is displayed on your profile and makes up your profile link. Your nickname is the name on your account that appears to others across TikTok.

To change your username on TikTok:
1. In the TikTok app, tap Profile at the bottom.
2. Tap Edit profile.
3. Tap Username and enter your desired name.
4. Tap Save.

Learn more about changing your nickname.

Important things to know:
•  Your username can be changed once every 30 days.
•  If you give up your username, you will not be able to add that username to an account for a short period of time.
•  Changing your username will also change your profile link.
•  Usernames can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and periods. However, periods can't be added to the end of a username.

Learn more about how to contact us if you'd like to change the username on your verified account.

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