Age-restricted content on TikTok LIVE

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What is age-restricted content on TikTok LIVE?  •  What happens when a LIVE is age restricted? 

What is age-restricted content on TikTok LIVE?

Our Community Guidelines are central to creating a safe and enjoyable viewing experience by setting the standards for what is and isn't allowed on our platform. Within these policies, some content may contain mature or complex themes that reflect personal experiences or real-world events that are intended for older audiences. When we identify this type of content in a LIVE, we let viewers aged 13 to 17 know that we've restricted the content to help ensure they're only shown content that's most suitable or relevant to them. This allows us to add another layer of safety to protect younger audiences.

What happens when a LIVE is age restricted?

If we identify age-restricted content during a LIVE:
•  We won't recommend the LIVE for people aged between 13 and 17.
•  We'll notify the host, younger viewers, and any co-hosts or guests that the content is age restricted and we'll remove younger viewers from the LIVE.
•  Hosts can choose to disconnect co-hosts or remove guests whose LIVE content has been flagged as age-restricted.
•  Younger audiences won't be able to access the LIVE through a search or shared link.

Note: As a host, you can tap the Restriction label at the top of your LIVE or Restrictions on the summary screen after your LIVE to view more details about why your content is age restricted.

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