Report an impersonation account

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How to report an impersonation account using online forms  •  How to report an impersonation account on TikTok 

How to report an impersonation account using online forms

If you believe an account is fake and impersonating you or someone else, you can report it to us using the following forms:
•  Impersonation accounts in the U.S.
•  Impersonation accounts outside of the U.S.

To report an impersonation account for U.S. accounts:
1. On the form, select
Report an Impersonation Account on TikTok from the dropdown list, then enter your email address.
2. Enter your country, then select who is being impersonated from the dropdown list. If prompted, provide additional details.
3. Upload valid identification. Refer to the list provided for valid identification methods that we accept.
4. Select the checkboxes to confirm the statements below
Statement, then enter your name below Electronic signature.
5. Click

To report an impersonation account for accounts outside of the U.S.:
1. On the form, click the
Topic field and select Report a potential violation.
2. For
Category, select Account violation.
3. For
Reason for reporting, select Impersonation.
4. Select an option for
Who is this account impersonating? and follow the instructions on the form to submit your report.

How to report an impersonation account on TikTok

To report an impersonation account from the app or a web browser:

From the TikTok app:
1. Go to the profile and tap the
Share button at the top.
2. Tap
Report and select Report account.
3. Select
Pretending to Be Someone.
4. Select
Me if the account is impersonating you, or Celebrity if it's impersonating someone else. For celebrity impersonation, search the username of the person being impersonated and select the account.
5. Tap

From a web browser:
1. Go to the profile you want to report and click the
More options ... button.
2. Click
Report and select Report account.
3. Select
Pretending to Be Someone.
4. Select
Me if the account is impersonating you, or Celebrity if it's impersonating someone else. For celebrity impersonation, search the username of the person being impersonated and select the account.
5. Click

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