TikTok Under 13 Experience

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Is TikTok available for people under 13?  •  How to report a problem  •  How to report a video  •  How to delete your account  

Is TikTok available for people under 13?

TikTok is available for people 13 years and older (or other ages as indicated in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service). However, for people under 13 years old in the U.S., we have a separate TikTok experience specifically designed for younger people.

People under 13 in the US who sign up for TikTok will be automatically directed to an age-appropriate experience where they can:
•  View For You and Discover feeds that are curated with content for younger people
•  Like posts
•  Report inappropriate posts
•  Create videos to save on their device

Important things to know about this experience:
•  All accounts are private.
•  Videos can be created but not posted. Any videos created will be saved on the account owner's device instead of being saved as drafts in their account.
•  We limit screentime on the app to one hour.
•  We partner with Common Sense Networks to curate the For You and Discover feeds as a view-only experience, with videos that are age-appropriate and popular. This means that people under 13 years old can't comment, share, or send and receive messages.

How to report a problem

To contact us if you're under 13:
1. In the TikTok app, tap
Profile at the bottom.
2. Tap the
More options … button at the top.
3. Tap
Report a problem.
4. Select a topic and follow the steps to report your problem or to submit feedback. 

How to report a video

To report a video if you're under 13:

1. Go to the video you'd like to report, then tap the More options ... button on the side.

2. Tap Report video, then select the reason for your report. You can choose more than one reason.

3. Tap Report.

For questions or comments about the Under 13 Experience on TikTok, you can contact us through our privacy webform.

Explore our resources for younger people on our Safety Center or in our Children's Privacy Policy.

How to delete your account

To delete your account if you're under 13:
1. In the TikTok app, tap
Profile at the bottom.
2. Tap the
More options … button at the top.
3. Tap
Manage account.
4. Tap 
Delete account, then tap Continue and confirm.

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