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How to download a video  •  How to download a photo(s)  •  How to save posts to your device 

You can save TikTok videos and photos to your device for offline viewing and sharing if the post creator allows others to download their content. You can also manage whether others can download your posts

How to download a video

To download a video:
1. In the TikTok app, go to the video you'd like to download.
2. Tap the Share button on the side of the video.
3. Tap Save video. If you don't have the option to save a video, this means the creator doesn't allow it.

How to download a photo(s)

To download a photo(s):
1. In the TikTok app, go to the photo post you'd like to download.
2. Tap the Share button.
3. Tap Save photo. If there are multiple photos, tap Select all to download all of the photos or select which ones you'd like to download. If you don't have the option to save a photo, this means the creator doesn't allow it.
4. Tap Save.

How to save posts to your device

We recommend downloading your videos or photos before you post so that you have offline copies of your content.

To save a video or photo(s) before posting:
1. On the Post screen, tap More options.
2. Turn the Save to device setting on.

You can also tap Save on the side panel while editing to download a single photo or video post.

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