Watch videos in a playlist

Creator Playlists allows creators to categorize their public videos into playlists to make it easier for you to watch related videos in a series.

Note: This feature isn't currently available everywhere.

Watch videos in a playlist from a video

As you're watching a video, you may see
Playlist at the bottom. That means the video belongs to a playlist and you can choose to go to the playlist and watch all the related videos.

To watch videos in a playlist:
1. In the TikTok app, tap
Playlist at the bottom of the video.
2. Tap any of the videos in the playlist to start watching. You may need to scroll down to view the full list.

Watch a playlist from a profile

If you visit someone's profile, you'll see any playlists at the top of their videos tab.
1. In the TikTok app, go to the profile of a creator with playlists.
2. In their
Videos tab, tap a playlist to start playing.
3. Tap the playlist at the bottom of the video to view the rest of the videos. You may need to scroll down to view the full list.

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